设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd

设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生



设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd
设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd


这次的幸运抽奖获得共5位商家赞助礼物奖品,包括大环球家私展览有限公司、MOG (Metro Optical Group) 集团、Solid Top有限公司、DM Dasher有限公司及Low Sugar Lab有限公司。

首奖得主刘美蓉获得Dreame R10手持无线吸尘器。而次奖至五奖得主分别可获Dreame吹风机、Levoit空气净化、Cosori空气炸锅及Ocean多功能折叠式床褥。

另外,现场还有共15份的全面性视力测试与100令吉MOG现金礼券;30份的石英石材台面(Quartz)工作桌;以及20份的Comfort Spring 100%泡棉防尘螨枕头。

此外,低糖研究所(Low Sugar Lab)则送出70粒价值48令吉的低糖蛋糕,给当天的得奖者。另外还送出30份低糖爆米花给在书市期间(本月3至9日下午5时)前续订报纸或电子报的得奖者。

设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd



出席的赞助商包括Low Sugar Lab执行董事洪嘉杰、大环球家具中心老板冯意恒、DM Dasher有限公司产品经理陆韦琳、Solid Top董事蓝正裕及MOG零售运营、销售和营销主管纪韵君。

设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd
设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd
设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd
设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd
设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd




EdgeProp.my Interview – Easily Selecting Kitchen Countertops (NO Stressed)

The four most common kitchen countertop materials used in Malaysia are granite, marble, quartz and solid surface

The kitchen countertop can easily be one of the most expensive items in the entire kitchen remodelling process. Nevertheless, many of us select a countertop material solely based on the price or the pattern design. In fact, there are more factors to consider when making a selection.

Solid Top Sdn Bhd director Lam Chin Jhoo tells EdgeProp.my that homeowners often neglect the most important part of selecting a kitchen countertop, because the wrong material could harm the health of the family.

“You prepare foods — raw or cooked, for your family on the countertop every day. Therefore, selecting a durable material which is scratch- and chip-resistant is important to avoid bacteria and germs from accumulating in the cracks, and spreading to the foods prepared on the surface, and subsequently, to your family,” says Lam.

The four most common kitchen countertop materials used in Malaysia are granite, marble, quartz and solid surface, according to Lam.

Marble and granite are both natural stone resources, whereby each slab is unique with random and inconsistent patterns. However, marble is generally stronger than granite in terms of scratch resistance.

“Let’s say, if diamond, as the strongest stone in the world, has a scratch-resistance level at 10, the granite will be at around four and marble is at six. Nevertheless, both of them are made from natural stone, so they are fairly scratch- and chip-resistant, which is suitable for everyday use in the wet or dry kitchen,” Lam explains.

Solid Top Kitchen Counter Top Mr. Lam

Lam: Selecting a durable material is important to avoid bacteria and germs from accumulating in the cracks.

Meanwhile, quartz stone is one of the most popular choices for kitchen countertops currently due to its competitive price, various choices of pattern and its similar features to natural stone. 

Quartz stone was invented to solve the problems that granite and marble stone have — the inflexibility and low supply — while retaining the benefits of natural stone.

Quartz stone is a manufactured stone made from a mix of approximately 95% ground natural quartz with 5% polymer resin, resulting in the endless variations in patterns, sizes and colours that are suitable for all sizes of kitchens,” he says.

On the other hand, solid surface material is the cheapest of the four as it is made from either acrylic or polyester-based materials. Its scratch-resistance level is low compared with granite, marble and quartz.

“It can be used in the dry kitchen or pantry. However, it is not suitable for wet kitchens as it not only has low scratch-resistance levels, it is also a flammable material,” says Lam.



Often used in the kitchen and dining areas, Lam notes that marble has timeless appeal especially when it comes to its appearance.

“The use of marble for kitchen countertops never goes out of style. It is still the first choice of many homes, hotels and offices because it never looks old but makes a place look elegant and grand,” he notes.

Pros       Timeless appearance, strong material, minimal care

Cons      Low supply, so more expensive               

Cost       Roughly RM4,000 for a 15-ft kitchen countertop

Maintenance     Apply wax twice a year to keep the surface shiny



Like marble, granite is a natural stone that has strong scratch-resistance. However, it is easier to quarry, therefore it is more easily available than marble, and is thus slightly cheaper.

Unlike marble, granite typically offers a variety of distinct patterns as well as more choices of colours and patterns.

Pros       Long lasting appearance, strong material, minimal care

Cons      Pattern may fade and lose its shine without waxing

Cost       Roughly RM3,400 for a 15ft kitchen countertop

Maintenance     Apply wax twice a year to keep the surface shiny



Quartz has gained traction over the past decade after it was introduced in Malaysia as an alternative to marble, granite and solid surfaces.

Lam says the material is suitable in both wet and dry kitchens as it is highly durable, flexible in colour and shape as well as cheaper in comparison to natural stones.

Lam says that one way to check quartz stone for authenticity is to test its scratch-resistance level with a blade. “There is a cheaper quartz outside which is made from mixed stone. It has a similar appearance and weight but a much lower scratch-resistance level. The best way to check it is to try to cut it with blade to test the scratch-resistance level.”

Pros       Long lasting appearance, strong material, minimal care, highly flexible in colour, shape and pattern

Cons      The pattern may be outdated after some time

Cost       Roughly RM3,000 for a 15ft kitchen countertop

Maintenance     No special maintenance needed 

Solid Surface

Solid surface

According to Lam, solid surfaces were created to replace marble and granite for its shape flexibility and choice of patterns. However, it is not as scratch- and chip-resistant as marble and granite.

“It is made from either acrylic or polyester-based materials, therefore it is not really suitable to be used in the wet kitchen although some people still opt for this because it is cheaper. It also has a shorter life span of about three years,” says Lam.

Pros       Highly flexible in colour, shape and pattern; low price

Cons      Short life span and flammable

Cost       Roughly RM2,700 for a 15-ft countertop

Maintenance     Keep the top dry and clean after use 

EdgeProp Selecting Kitchen Countertops

Information pull from EdgeProp.my
Reference link:


设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd

海外书市幸运抽奖 星洲人6月生日有好康



海外书市幸运抽奖 Solid Top Sdn Bhd 3


这次的幸运抽奖获得共5名商家赞助礼物奖品,包括大环球家私展览有限公司、MOG (Metro Optical Group) 集团、Solid Top有限公司、DM Dasher有限公司及Low Sugar Lab有限公司。

首奖至五奖分别可获得Dreame R10手持无线吸尘器、Dreame吹风机、Levoit空气净化、Cosori空气炸锅及Ocean多功能折叠式床褥,另外还分别有共15份的全面性视力测试与100令吉MOG现金礼券、石英石材台面(Quartz)工作桌、Comfort Spring 100%泡棉防尘螨枕头。

此外,低糖研究所(Low Sugar Lab)则会送出70粒价值48令吉的低糖蛋糕给当天的得奖者,另外还送出30份低糖爆米花给在本月3至9日下午5时前,续订报纸或电子报者。


值得一提的是,大环球家私展览有限公司及Solid Top有限公司特别给予星洲人会员额外的10%折扣;会员只要向商家出示星洲人会员的证明,即可享有折扣优惠。



海外书市幸运抽奖 Solid Top Sdn Bhd 2

蓝正裕(Solid Top董事):借此推广产品

“这次是Solid Top与星洲人首次合作,希望能借此将我们的产品带给更多人认识。




设幸运抽奖再赠蛋糕 星洲人6月寿星庆生 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd
海外书市幸运抽奖 星洲人6月生日有好康 | Solid Top Sdn Bhd
